Thursday, December 17, 2009

12/17 Vietnam War Conclusion

1. Vietnam Map and Wkst.
2. Vietnam EXAM

Extra Credit over Break:

* Research a person, place or thing that is important to the 1960s.
After researching, for 30 pts., you may do one of the following:
A. Write a two-three page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to understanding the sixties.

B. Do a 15 slide PPT.
C. Make a poster or diorama of the topic.
A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum)
An informal presentation to the class on the date which we return (Mar. 30/31 2009).

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a historical movie or documentary from or about the 60s(not shown in class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is historically significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed.

12/15 Vietnam's Two Distinct Policies

1. Venn Diagram of the Vietnam War concerning the policy of Americanization vs. Vietnamization.

12/9 & 11 Vietnam War Project

Library to work on project

12/7 Overview of Vietnam

1. Overview of Vietnam Video with Cornell Notes
2. Soldiers in Vietnam

12/3 Historical Background of Vietnam

1. Historical Background of Vietnam
2. Cornell Notes on Overview Video

12/1 Civil Rights Exam

1. Civil Rights Exam
2. Intro to Vietnam

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/20 Civil Rights Conclusion

1. Civil Rights Places on the Map:

Find and mark the following places on your U.S. Map:

Los Angeles, CA (Watts)
Detroit, MI
Newark, NJ
Montgomery, AL
Birmingham, AL
Selma, AL
Jackson, MS
Washington, D.C.
Chicago, IL
New York City, NY (Harlem)

2. Northern Voices---Malcolm X influences SNCC and the Black Panthers
3. PPT on the Movement
4. Race Riots
5. Legacies of the Movement

Extra Credit:
For 20 pts Extra credit, research a significant person, organization or place to the civil rights movement and write a 2 page paper (Standard MLA, typed, double-spaced, etc) due when we get back from break.

11/18 Malcolm X

1. Malcolm X and voices of the North
2. Finish 64-65 Civil Rights Questions

11/16 LBJ and Civil Rights Cont.

1. Civil Rights Wkst.--only available in classroom
2. Finish LBJ and Civil Rights Video
3. Begin work on 1964-65 Q's

11/12 LBJ and Civil Rights

1. LBJ and Civil Rights.
2. Q's 1964-65 CR Movement

11/9 Civil Rights 1960-63

1. Eyes on the Prize 1960-63
2. CR Q's #1-10 over 1960-63

11/5 Intro to Civil Rights

1. Civil Rights Lecture with handout
2. U.S. Map--shade for the unit.
3. Brown v. Board of Ed Wkst. ( copies only in classroom).

11/3 Space Race EXAM

2. Intro to Civil Rights

10/30 Apollo 13

1. Turn in Xwords
2. Apollo 13 Finish

10/28 Apollo 11 & 13

1. Finish Apollo 11.
2. Intro to Apollo 13

10/26 Apollo 11

1. Apollo 1 Q's Due
2. X Word of Space Race Assigned
3. Apollo 11 Begin

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/22 End Apollo 1. Intro to Apollo 8

1. Finish Apollo 1. Answer questions over the assignment due on Monday
2. Pop Quiz over space race up to this point.
3. Intro to 1968 and Apollo 8.

10/20 Intro to Apollo 1

1. Apollo 1 importance to the space race.
2. Discussion about formal essay writing using IBC format.
3. Q's and Video on Apollo 1--Essay assigned. Due on Monday 10/27.

1960s---Unit: Space Race
Apollo 1 Questions

What year was Apollo 1 set to launch?
Which astronauts were chosen to be in Apollo 1?
What test was being simulated?
What happened during the test?

Essay Question: This question should be answered in a formal essay after watching the episode of “Earth to the Moon” on Apollo 1.

How did the Apollo 1 mission both delay NASA’s manned space program and also galvanize and increase NASA’s efficiency and the U.S. government’s resolve to reach the moon?

10/15 Overview of Space Race

1. Video on overview of space race
2. Discuss the importance of technology and the development of new technology for the space race
3. Cornell Notes on 3 stages of NASA's plan to land on the moon.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13 Intro Space Race

1. Intro to Space Race
Why did the U.S. want to reach the moon?
What was NASA's plan to catch up and beat the Soviets?
How did the Space Race instill pride in America?

2. Notes on Space Race

3. Space Race Overview Video

10/8 JFK Exam

1. Review Ch. 1 Q's and turn in.
2. JFK Wksts--Class Discussion
3. JFK Exam

10/6 JFK

1. Finish JFK Video and Ch. 1 Q's

10/2 JFK

1. Continue with Cuban Missile Crisis
2. Continue work on Ch. 1 Q's
3. JFK Video

9/30 Cuban Missile Crisis

1. JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis
How did Vienna lead to the Crisis?

2. Cuban Missile Crisis Wkst. --Do in class

3. Ch. 1 Q's Continued

9/28 JFK

1. JFK Powerpoint.
2. JFK Video--Myth vs. Reality
3. Ch. 1 Subchapter 1 & 2

9/24 Intro Exam

1. Cold War America Matching---Discuss and Turn in.
2. Intro Quiz.
3. Begin Unit on JFK

9/22 Intro Q's

1. Intro Q's ---Cold War America as the seed for the 60s
2. Discuss Q's

Friday, September 18, 2009

9/18 Intro Q's

1. Finish Video
2. Intro Q's

9/16 Seeds of 60s

1. WWII-1960s Brainstorm
2. Seeds of 1960s Video

9/14 Seeds of 60s

1. Text Search
2. Seeds of 60s

9/10 Intro to Class