Friday, December 3, 2010

12/6-7 & 12/8-9 Intro to Vietnam

1. Intro to Vietnam.

2. Library Time to do the Vietnam Research Project(All Assignments Links). Assignments can be turned in or electronically submitted.


Civil Rights Exam

Intro to Vietnam

11/30-12/1 Voices of the North--Review

1. Voices of the North--Malcolm X
2. Timeline Overview---Manipulatives in Groups
3. Review for Exam

Monday, November 29, 2010

11/19-29 LBJ and Civil Rights

1. LBJ Video and Civil Rights.
2. De Jure Segregation---Go over Legislation.
3. Move to De Facto Segregation

11/17-18 Birmingham--to March on Washington

1. Protest Movements--Motives and Tactics
2. Birmingham
3. I Have a Dream Wkst.--Do in Class
4. LBJ--Takes Over

11/15-16 Civil Rights Organizations

1. Civil Rights Organizations
2. Sit-Ins
3. Timeline Passed Out

11/10-12 Brown to Emmitt Till

1. Collect Research
2. Brown v. Board of Ed. Wkst.---Do in Class
3. Emmitt Till and Montgomery Bus Boycott
4. 1960-63 Questions #1-10.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/2-8 Civil Rights Intro and Research

Library Time--Use the library days to work on the Civil Rights Research (all Assignments Link). Do q's #1-25 and submit electronically or hard copy by 11/10-11.

Intro to Modern Civil Rights Lecture.

10/29-11/1 Space Race Exam

Space Race Xword

10/27-28 Apollo Program

Apollo 1 and 8

Space Race Quiz

Apollo 11

10/25-26 NASA's Three Step Program

Right Stuff Conclusion

Lecture-NASA's Three-Step Program

10/21-22 The Right Stuff

10/19-20 Space Race Overview

Lecture and Questions

Intro to the Right Stuff

10/14-18 JFK Exam

Monday, October 11, 2010

10/11-12 JFK Assassination

1. JFK Camelot and Space Race.
2. JFK Assassination
3. Ch. 1 RG on JFK.

10/6-7 JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis

1. JFK/Cuban Missile Crisis Wkst.
2. Ich Bin Ein Berliner Speech.

10/4-5 JFK and the Cold War

1. Watch JFK Video
2. Berlin Wkst. and Cold War Wkst.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/30-10/1 JFK Research

1. Report to Library. Under all assignments--click on the JFK Research Study Guide and follow the instructions.
Assignments are due next period either through paper hard copy, or electronically.

9/28-29 Intro to JFK

1. JFK Wksts. ---Answer on a separate sheet. Worksheets in class Only.
2. JFK and the Cold War Wksts and Timeline---Will work on in class.

3. Begin JFK Video.

Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24-27 How Did JFK inspire youth?

1. Intro to JFK.
2. Objective Q: How Did JFK inspire Youth?

9/22-23 Seeds of 60s EXAM

9/20-21 Youth in Rebellion--Seeds of 60s

1. Finish Intro RG--Take Cornell Notes.
2. Youth in Rebellion---Rock n Roll in the 1950s

9/16-17 Seeds of the Sixties

1. Finish the Seeds of the 60s video.
2. Intro Ch. RG.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/14-15 Seeds of 1960s

1. Handout of Notes of Post WWII-1960
2. Lecture off of Handout with Cornell Notes.
3. Begin "Seeds of 60s" Video--Notes with it.

9/10-13 Events Leading to 1960s

1. List out events that you know leading to the 1960s.
A. 1776-1860 3 Events
B. 1861-1930 5 Events
C. 1930-1960 7 Events

2. Explain the purpose of Cornell Notes with Powerpoint.
3. U.S. Map Filled In.
4. Begin Intro Lecture

Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/8-9 Intro to the Sixties

First Day of the New Year.

1. Act out a 60s Moment
2. List out your prior knowledge of the 1960s
3. Syllabus---Due next Class----Student survey due next class (In Assignment Link)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

5/10 Vietnam War Research

Click on Vietnam War Research Project under the All Assignments Link.

Electronic submission or handed in by 5/14.

5/6 Americanization of WAR

Lecture on Historical Background and Americanization of the War.

Making Sense of 60s--Vietnam

5/4 LBJ & Warren Court Quiz

1. Review Pinnacle RG--Turn In

2. LBJ and Warren Court Quiz

4/29 Great Society

What was so Great about the Great Society.

5 ways in which it changed America---Review Journal of News Article

4/27 LBJ

LBJ Video

4/23 Intro LBJ and Warren Court

Pinnacle of Liberalism RG

SC Cases Wkst.

4/21 End of a Movement

End of the Movement---MLK's assassination.

CR EXAM--Take Home if necessary

4/19 CR 1965-68

Malcolm X and Militancy of a Movement.

Friday, April 16, 2010

4/14-15 LBJ and Civil Rights

LBJ and Civil Rights--Video
Discussion on the End of De Jure Segregation with
* Civil Rights Act of 1964
* 24th Amendment
* Supreme Court Rulings
* Voting Rights Act of 1965

Intro to militancy in the movement and the 1965-68 Era

4/12 1960-63 Civil Rights Movement

Sit-Ins to March on Washington

CR Q's 1960-63 from the textbook.

4/8 Civil Rights Historical Background

Lecture On Historical Background of Movement---Historical Background in the links for a copy of the lecture.

Monday, April 5, 2010

4/6 Civil Rights Research Assignment

Check the all assignment list for the Research assignment.

Due on Thursday.

4/2 Space Race Exam

3/31 Apollo 11

Mission Accomplished!

3/29 Gemini Missions--Apollo 1 & 8

1. Go over Gemini Missions
2. Apollo 1 Accident
3. Apollo 8 video

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/18 Mercury and Gemini

A) Mercury and Gemini--Finish the Right Stuff.
B) Answer the following Questions after watching the Movie
1. What is the "Right Stuff"?
2. How did the Mercury Seven show they had the Right Stuff?
3. Why didn't Yeager have the right stuff?
4. What technology was added to aid the U.S. effort?
5. How did the U.S. effort boost national morale?

*Why was the Manned Space Program moved to Houston?
* Where is Texas Instruments located?

3/16 The Right Stuff

3/11 Mercury Seven-The Right Stuff

3/9 Space Race Intro

1. Lecture on Space Race.
2. Intro to Space Race Video


3/3 JFK Assassination

1. JFK Assassination.
2. Review for Exam

Monday, March 1, 2010

3/1 JFK--Cuban Missile Crisis

1. JFK and CMC
2. CMC worksheet.

3. JFK's Camelot.

2/25 Vienna Meeting

1. JFK ---Vienna Meeting
2. Berlin Crisis and the creation of the Berlin Wall.

3. Work on Ch. 1 RG / JFK Wksts. / Berlin Wall Wkst.

2/23 JFK-New Frontier

1. JFK Research Assignment Due.
2. JFK Video--New Frontier w/ Lecture.

3. JFK Packet/Ch. 1 RG

Friday, February 19, 2010

2/19 JFK Research

1. JFK Research---All Assignments link and click on the JFK Research Assignment.
Follow the instructions on the assignment.

2/17 Intro JFK

1. Ch. 1 RG
2. Video#2 Making Sense of the 60s (Kennedy Years)

2/12 SEEDS OF 60s EXAM

Intro Ch. RG Due
Seeds Matching Wkst. Due

2/10 Rock n Roll-Catalyst for Change

1. Rock n Roll
2. Seeds of 60s Matching Wkst.

2/8 Intro Ch. RG

1. Seeds of 60s
2. Intro Chapter RG

2/4 Seeds of 60s Intro

Seeds of 60s Lecture
Syllabus due on Monday.

2/2 Intro to Class

Why study the 60s