Friday, February 27, 2015

2/27- Early Days of LBJ

Went over tests!

Filled in these notes.

Lyndon B. Johnson
From Farm to Congress
Johnson became __________________ after a remarkable climb to power in___________. It started on a farm near ____________________, where he was born on August 27, 1908. His ______________ was involved in _______________ until his various ­­­­­­­­­­_____________, insurance brokering, and ranching ventures began to drag him into ______________. Throughout his life, Lyndon Johnson never forgot the impact his father's _________________ had on his family.
Graduating from high school in 1924, Johnson escaped both his ____________________ by heading toward _________________. When nothing but hard labor turned up, Johnson returned home and went to college to become a ______________. When Johnson ran out of money from working as a ________________________________, he was forced to leave _____________ and spent a year working at a __________________________ near the __________________. Years later he said, "You never forget what _______________________ can do when you see its scars in the face of a young child."

When a candidate for governor failed to appear at a rally in 1930, Johnson delivered an impromptu __________________ for him. (Johnson had been a part of the _________________ and had even taught _______________.)This speech so impressed a candidate for the state Senate that he recruited Johnson to manage his own successful campaign. Later, while Johnson was teaching high school in Houston, Johnson was recommended to other politicians. After realizing Johnson’s potential, Johnson was invited to work in _________________with a congressman more interested in ______________ than in legislating. This gave Johnson the ________________ to take charge and make himself known. Johnson learned how _____________ worked. In 1934, he courted and __________­­­­____ Claudia Alta "____________" Taylor. Before Johnson married Lady Bird, he had only known her for _______________. After marrying Lady Bird, Johnson sought wider career horizons and was soon appointed Texas state director of the ________________________________________, a New Deal agency designed to _____________________________. Unlike the Civilian Conservation Corps, it included ________________.Success in that job propelled him into ________________________ in 1937, campaigning under banners that proclaimed "____________________________."

Answers to blanks:

Stonewall, Texas
real estate
economic disgrace
family & Texas
janitor and office helper
Mexican-American school
poverty and hatred
debate team
Lady Bird
two months
National Youth Administration
help students afford school
being elected to Congress
Franklin D and Lyndon B

After filling in the blanks, highlight the three-four important parts of this section and summarize the material. Then make a prediction regarding how Lyndon's past experiences shaped his future political decisions.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2/26- TEST DAY! :)

Students took a test and turned in notebooks.
Students were able to use a notecard on their test.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2/25- JFK Closure

Answer these questions in your ntbk:
Why do you think Lee Harvey Oswald murdered John F. Kennedy?
How do you think John F. Kennedy’s death affected the way Americans view him now/then?

Complete this assignment:

For each section, underline the main idea. Respond using one of the five responses. Each response must be used once.
Ask- What else do I need to know?
Analyze- Describe it. Break it down.
Reflect- Express personal thoughts.
Interpret- Explain meaning.
Predict- What will come next?

Excerpt from James Reston’s Why America Weeps
The New York Times

November 22, 1963

Your response
Highlight or Underline the Main Idea
Ask a Question, Analyze, Interpret, Reflect, Predict
America wept tonight, not alone for its dead young President, but for itself. The grief was general, for somehow the worst in the nation had prevailed over the best. The indictment extended beyond the assassin, for something in the nation itself, some strain of madness and violence, had destroyed the highest symbol of law and order. The irony of the President’s death is that his short Administration was devoted almost entirely to various attempts to curb this very streak of violence in the American character.

He was in Texas today trying to pacify the violent politics of that state. His central theme was the necessity of adjusting to change and this brought him into conflict with those who opposed change. Thus, while his personal instinct was to avoid violent conflict, to compromise and mediate and pacify, his programs for taxation, for racial equality, for medical care, for Cuba, all raised sharp divisions with the country. The President somehow always seemed to be suspended between two worlds—between his ideal conception of what a President should be, what the office called for, and a kind of despairing realization of the practical limits upon his power.

He came into office convinced of the truth of Theodore Roosevelt’s view of the President’s duties—“the President is bound to be as a big a man as he can.” In his inaugural address, the President reminded all that “now the trumpet summons us again.” The President set out to take action and answer the call but it was not easy. The young President discovered two truths. The first was that the powers of the President are not only limited but hard to bring to bear. The second was that the decisions—as he himself so often said—“are not easy.”

Since he was never one to hide his feelings, he often shared his mood. He believed that “politics is one long second-best, where the choice often lies between two blunders.” There is, however, consolation in the fact that while he was not given time to finish anything or even to realize his own potentialities, he has not left the nation in a state of crisis or danger, either in its domestic or foreign affairs. Thus, President Johnson is not confronted immediately by having to take any urgent new decisions.

He was, even to his political enemies, a wonderfully attractive human being, and it is significant that, unlike many Presidents in the past, the people who liked and respected him best, were those who knew him the best. He was a rationalist, and an intellectual, who proved in the 1960 campaign and in last year’s crisis over Cuba that he was at his best when the going was tough. No doubt he would have been re-elected, as are most one-term Presidents. But he is gone now at 46, younger than when most Presidents have started on the great adventure. In his book, Profiles in Courage, all his heroes faced the hard choice either of giving in to public opinion or of defying it and becoming martyrs. He had hoped to avoid this bitter dilemma, but he ended as a martyr anyway, and the nation is sad tonight, both about him and about itself.

TEST is tomorrow. Bring your notebook. I will be grading them. 
You can use one regular sized note card on the test. You must hand write the note card and only write on one side.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

JFK's Assassination- 2/24

Answered three questions in notes:
1.What does brinkmanship mean? How do you think it applies to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
2. How are the United States and Cuba’s relations normalizing?
3. Who killed President John F. Kennedy?

1.Brinkmanship: Risking disaster to gain the desired outcome.
Cuban Missile Crisis- On the brink of nuclear war.
2. More money can be sent to people in Cuba, credit/debit cards can be used, and some travel restrictions were lifted.
Still an EMBARGO. Still no TOURISM.
3. Lee Harvey Oswald… or did he?!

Notes on Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lee Harvey Oswald
Problematic childhood!
Joined the Marines.
Defected to the Soviet Union.
Returned to America with Marina (his Russian wife).
Accepted a job at the Texas School Book Depository.
Saw the route of President Kennedy published in the papers.
On November 22, 1963, he fired three shots from the sixth floor and killed JFK!
Fled the scene!
Killed Officer J. Tippit.
Arrested at the Texas Theatre.
Killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner. Shot on live TV!
Abraham Zapruder’s home film shows the assassination.
Warren Commission declared that LHO was the only assassin.

Watched Video about JFK's assassination.
-Describe the evidence found that proves Oswald was the lone assassin.

*TEST ON THURSDAY!* Dress up in 1960's attire on Thursday and get extra credit on your test!
Notebooks will be graded, so update your notebook.

Monday, February 23, 2015

2/23-Notes on Cuba and Cuba Assignment

Turned in HW: Berlin worksheet

Notes on Cuba--

Relations with Cuba
       February 1962- Embargo on Cuba. No trade, no American businesses in Cuba, and no direct travel.
Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962)
       Castro had a powerful ally in Moscow.
       Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev promised to defend Cuba with Soviet weapons.
       During the summer of 1962 the flow of Soviet weapons into Cuba – including nuclear – increased greatly.
Kennedy Responds
       When a U-2 spy plane’s photos revealed nukes ready to launch in Cuba, JFK asked for advice from the “Best and Brightest.”
13 Days of Tension
       When more Soviet ships headed for the U.S. with weapons, JFK ordered a quarantine.
       The first break in the crisis occurred when the Soviets ships turned back.
       Finally, Khrushchev agreed to remove the nuclear weapons from Cuba in exchange for a U.S. promise NOT to invade Cuba.
Easing Tensions
       In 1963, a hot line was established between the White House and the Kremlin.
       Later that year, the superpowers signed a Limited Test Ban Treaty.
(It is suggested that you get additional notes from other students.)

HW: Article on Cuba's Embargo
Read article.
Analyze text. 
In your notebook, create three sections in your notebook. The three sections are say, mean, and matter.
Say- Find one quote.
Mean- What does this quote mean? Use at least two of the sentence prompts. "This means__. ""This occurs when___." "This is an example of ____."
Matter- Why does this text matter? Use at least three of the provided sentence frames on the handout.

Friday, February 20, 2015

2-20 Bay of Pigs. Vienna Meeting. Green Berets. Berlin Wall.

Notes were taken:

1.       Vienna: Kruschev and Kennedy (June 1961)
Nikita Krushchev and John F. Kennedy met in Vienna to talk foreign policy!
When Kennedy returned, he increased spending on national defense and required more men to be drafted.

2.       Green Berets (1961)
Kennedy increased the capability of the Department of Defense.
Kennedy decided that each branch of military should have a specialized force.

3.       Berlin Wall  (August 13th, 1961)
“Brain drain” was occurring. People fleeing communist society.
A wall was built that surrounded West Berlin.

The Berlin Wall split roads down the middle and even kept families apart!

Worksheet assignment was given.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

2/19 Peace Corps/ Alliance for Progress/ Bay of Pigs

1.Peace Corps (March 1961)
“To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling. . . we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves. . .”
“. . . what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
-Promote world peace and friendship through partnership and working together.
-Americans volunteer overseas in developing countries.
-Serve as teachers, electricians, and medics.
Goals of the Peace Corps:
-To help train people to help themselves.
-To promote better understanding of Americans.
-To understand other cultures.

2. Alliance for Progress (March 1961)
“To our sister republics south of our border. . . to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty.”
-The United States would support stable governments in the Americas that would meet the needs of its citizens. (Homes, work, land, schools)
-The US pledged 20 billion over 10 years to encourage economic growth and social reform.
Latin American countries said, “What do you really want?!”
Latin American elites said, “YEAH.. More money for me!”
United States officials said, “Redistributing land… That’s socialism!”
United States business owners said, “Who cares about the people? We’re making money!”

BAY OF PIGS QUESTIONS (answers in text).
Write down the question. Leave five additional lines/spaces after you answer each question.

Why did the Cuban people support Fidel Castro?
Why did Cuba ally itself with the Soviet Union? What was the United States’ response?
Describe the CIA’s plan. Use specific details.
Explain why the Bay of Pigs fiasco [failure] was labeled hypocritical and deceitful.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

JFK's Inauguration/New Frontier/Camelot Notes

(Will try to post PPT tomorrow.)

Reminder: Tonight your JFK assignment is due on

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Research in Library- 2/17

Finished researching JFK assignment. (Assignment located to the right--JFK Research Study Guide.)
Turn assignment into It is due by Wednesday night.

Friday, February 13, 2015

JFK Research Study Guide/Task 2/13

On the right side of the blog underneath assignments, there is a link for the JFK Research Study Guide.
Students began this assignment.
We will have class time on Tuesday. The assignment is due on Wednesday. (No class time on Wednesday.)
We also walked through setting up accounts.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Election of 1960 Notes-2/12

Finished reading about the 1960 election. Handout. Took notes. (Cornell Notes. Wrote summary.)
Wrote a three-five sentence paragraph explaining what candidate you would have voted for.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2/11- Handout/Notes on Election of 1960

2/11- Handout/Notes on Election of 1960

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

JFK- 2/10

-Used notes/text to further answer test questions.

Read summary and highlighted meaningful/important information that reflects the following questions.
1. How did his younger years affect who he became?
2. Before JFK was president, what did he do?
3. Describe his personality. Provide example(s).

1. Take a piece of paper (half).
2. On front, draw visual.
3. On back, write/explain seven meaningful facts (some should answer above questions).
4. On back, create a hypothesis about how JFK's father influenced him.

Use color! :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Test Day and Notebook Check- 2/9

Test and Notebook Check.
Assignment- What do you already know about Kennedy? What would you like to learn?

Friday, February 6, 2015

2/6 -Conformity/Challenges to Conformity TEST/NTBK CHECK-MONDAY!

Took notes on conformity/challenges to conformity.

Women: Homemakers.
Encouraged to attend college for the sole purpose of marriage.
Dr. Benjamin Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby Care  (1946)  vs Betty Friedan’s  The Feminine Mystique (1963).
Society portrayed this idea, but actually more and more married women were in the work force.
“pink-collar work”
Men: Breadwinners. (Bringing home the paycheck)
Children: Obey. Seen, but not heard.

Challenges to conformity:
-Beats/Beatniks: Resisting conformity. Embracing sexual and drug freedom. Beats= YOLO.
-Banned books.  J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye.
-Rock 'n' roll

*It may be beneficial to copy someone else's notes.*

Embraced our inner beatnik by writing poetry.
Write your own poem!
Create your own title!
Within your poem, explain the past conformity in American society and identify the challenges to conformity.
For your poem, include the bolded sections.  (Repeat process 2 times.) Use specific examples from lecture.
I saw the best minds of my generation falling into a trap.
I used to be  like them.
In the past, I was restricted and restrained!
But now I am free.
No one can tell me what to do.

Make sure to explain.

What is the GI Bill?
What was the Baby Boom?
What were Levittowns?
Who were the beatniks/beats?
What was the Potsdam Conference? What was discussed?
Define the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan.
Define HUAC. What did HUAC do?
What was the decision of Brown vs. Board of Education?
What was the Cold War?
Why was life so happy in the 1950's?
Summarize the Korean War. Relating to the Cold War, why was it important to discuss the Korean War? What recently happened between North Korea and the United States?
What was the role of a 1950’s woman and man?
How were children viewed in the 1950’s?
Compare Dr. Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby Care (1946) and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique (1963). What message do they share with their readers?
   Explain the relationship between communism, McCarthyism, and conformity. Describe each term.
How did America’s involvement in World War II contribute to the Cold War?

The test will include fill in the blanks and short answer responses. You will have to pull from your memory the word that correctly fills the blank.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2/5.. Discussed 50's Culture

Rd. pg. 9-10 of textbook and described why the 1950's were considered "Happy Days."

(Some of what we discussed in class. Getting notes from other students would be valuable.)

-More money, more purchases.
-Say goodbye to frugality!

-Mass-produced Suburbia
William Levitt & Levittowns

-Children are welcome!
(Baby Boom)

-GI Bill: Loans to for small businesses, stipends for education, and unemployment compensation for veterans.

2/4 Discussed Red Scare and Korean War

Discussed Red Scare and Korean War. (Notes.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Finished graphic organizer.
Rd. pages 3-6 of textbook and took notes. How did America "search for subversives?"
Focus on HUAC and McCarthyism.

Berlin Airlift and Candy Bomber- 2/2

Took notes on Berlin Airlift--Here's some of what we talked about.
( During WWII (1945), the Soviet, American, and British leaders gathered together. This was known as the Potsdam Conference. Two main points were discussed. These points were Japan's unconditional surrender and the division of Germany and Berlin. Four zones were created in both Germany and Berlin. The British, French, Americans, and Soviets each got a zone. In 1947, the Truman Doctrine was created. It offered money to countries under communist attack. In addition, the Marshall Plan was implemented. It offered aid to repair countries that had been affected by WWII. East Germany (Soviet zone) refused the aid. Meanwhile, the British, French, and Americans decided that combining their zones of control would be a good idea. It would help Germany's economy become stronger. Since Berlin was split into zones and was located within East Germany, the Soviets decided to change the other countries' minds. This begins the Berlin Blockade (June 1948-May 1949). W. Berlin becomes closed off . Nothing is going in! The Berlin Airlift lasts for 324 days. The Soviets decide to quit blocking the railways and roads because this action makes them look like a bully.)
*I would encourage you to ask others to see their notes.*

Watched Candy Bomber clip (2:15-8:30)
Created graphic organizer. (Fold your paper to create 8 squares. In the first group of squares, draw four pictures and four summaries about the Berlin Airlift. In the second group of squares, draw four pictures and write four summaries about the Candy Bomber.)