Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3/2- Johnson Notes

See previous day's assignment.
In addition, here are the rest of the blanks.

A New Deal Congressman
Johnson's victory began a thirty-two-year political career that would end in the White House. After the election, President _____________________ visited Texas, and warmly greeted the new congressman. FDR admired Johnson's _________ and predicted that someday he would become the "_________________________" since the _____________________. An active congressman, Johnson used his New Deal ________________ to bring ______________________. In 1941, he ran for __________________. On election night, Johnson held a lead but announced his vote tallies too soon, allowing the opponent to "find" enough votes and Johnson __________. When America entered _________________, Johnson briefly served in the _____________. He received a silver star from General Douglas MacArthur for having flown as a passenger in a bomber that was attacked by Japanese planes (none of the others on board received a medal). When President Roosevelt called on members of Congress to choose between military and legislative service, Johnson ____________ to the House. In 1948, he ran for ________ again. Having learned his lesson from the previous Senate race, Johnson __________ on announcing his vote tallies and with the help of some friendly _______________ eked out an ____-vote victory for which he was received the nickname "________________."
A Southern Moderate
Johnson rode into the Senate in 1949 on the political wave that returned Harry Truman to the White House and Democratic majorities to both houses of Congress.
Johnson desired to further his career in politics. By watching other politicians, he realized that he would need to distance himself from being known as a _______________________if he wanted to become _____________________.
Turmoil in the Democratic ranks elevated Johnson swiftly in the Senate. In 1950, the Democratic majority leader and whip were both defeated for reelection. Democrats chose ________________as their new ___________. A whip is the _________________________. Two years later, Johnson was elected Democratic floor leader. He was still serving in his first senatorial term. A senator’s term last for __________.
Democratic Leader
As majority leader, Lyndon Johnson demonstrated unending ____________, ambition, attention to detail, and an overwhelming __________.
His close aide John Connally described Johnson as alternately
“_____________ and kind, generous and ______________, sensitive and insensitive, __________ and naive, ruthless and ____________, simple in many ways yet extremely complex, caring and totally not _____________; he could overwhelm people with _________ and turn around and be ________ towards those same people; he knew how to use ___________ in politics in the way nobody else could that I know of.”
Above all, Johnson was a compromiser, a broker, and a _______ of the art of the deal. His hands-on method of persuading other senators, with its sweet talk, threats, and exaggerated facial expressions and body language, became widely known as "____________________."
The Senate leader did not ____________, but "the pressure of his presence and the __________ of his __________ and the movement of his body made it hard to say no." A keen judge of people, Johnson knew how far to __________ and when to coax. "Any compromise that Lyndon made," Ford concluded, "he got better than fifty percent." Johnson insisted that his only power as majority leader was the ________________. But a fellow Senator, noted that "__________" often meant doing ____________: putting senators on desired committees, sending them on ________, arranging for campaign contributions, and even getting them honorary college degrees.
Civil Rights
The majority leader's signal achievement was the passage in 1957 of the first ______________ since Reconstruction. _______________ refers to the period in United States history following the _______________ in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the Southern states back into the Union.
 This act served as a large step in his transformation from a _________________. Although Johnson's support of the act may not have been completely ________, those closest to him believed that he also felt genuine compassion for _____________________ and for the _________. He spoke often of the hardships of his own childhood, and those memories seemed to inspire him to _______ something significant with his _____. "Nobody needed to talk to him about why it's __________ to get ahead," one Senator commented. "He was ___________ that all the time to everybody."
The fact that Congress passed any civil rights bill held symbolic significance, but angry liberals felt that the watered-down bill simply elevated "_____________." Liberals pointed out that the bill provided _______________ with little protection for either _____________.
As the ________________ approached, several senators jumped into the presidential race, but Lyndon Johnson held back. Even though his position in the Senate was powerful, he had less time to campaign for the Democratic ticket than __________________.
 Johnson was caught off-guard by Kennedy's savvy and sophisticated campaign. Johnson later said, "that Jack Kennedy's a lot __________, and maybe a lot ________, than I thought he was."
The 1960 Election
Kennedy won the Democratic nomination and then had ______ hours to select ________________. Some advisors urged Kennedy to choose ________ in order to carry Texas and the South. When John Kennedy reported that he would offer the second spot to Johnson, his brother interpreted the move as a ______________ to keep the peace, since Johnson had told people he would never accept the second spot. Then Johnson astonished both brothers by _____________. Considering the choice a terrible mistake, Robert Kennedy was delegated to talk the Texan out of running. But a tearful Johnson declared, "I want to be ______________, and, if the President will have me, I'll join him in making a fight for it." John Kennedy chose to retain him on the ticket, but the __________ between Johnson and Robert Kennedy never _____________.

Pondering why Johnson had accepted, some of his aides thought that he saw no future in being Kennedy's majority leader. If he succeeded in enacting the party platform, the credit would have gone to the _____________. If he failed, the blame would have been his. Johnson believed that, if he had ________________ the vice-presidency, he would have been "_____________" of party affairs in the future.

A New Deal Congressman
Roosevelt, energy, first Southern president, Civil War, connections, electricity to rural areas, Senate, lost, WWII, Navy, returned, Senate, delayed, political machines, 87, Landslide Lyndon
Summarize and Reflect (I think.. This reminds me...)

A Southern Moderate
Southern senator, president, Johnson, whip, second in command, six years

Democratic Leader
energy, personality, cruel, greedy, crafty, thoughtful, caring, kindness, cruel, people, master, the Johnson treatment, twist arms, strength, voice, push, power to persuade, persuasion, favors, trips
Summarize and Analyze (Analyze Johnson's character.)

Civil Rights
civil rights bill, Reconstruction, Civil War, southerner to national figure, noble, African-Americans, poor, achieve, life, important, preaching, symbol over substance, southern blacks, civil and voting rights, election of 1960, John F. Kennedy, tougher, smarter
Summarize and either Analyze or Reflect

1960 Election
24, a vice president, Johnson, gesture, accepting, vice president, tension, went away, president, declined, left out.
Summarize and Ask a Question

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