Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/26-28 FINAL EXAM

1/24-25 Watergate & Legacies

1. Watergate Wkst.
2. Legacies of the 1960s--Politically, Culturally, Socially, Foreign Policy, etc.

3. Review for Final Exam

1/20-21 Presentations

1. Students take notes on Presentations
2. PowerPoint Presentations

1/18-19 1968

1968 Video on the Year's Importance

Monday, January 10, 2011

1/11-14 Semester Powerpoint Project

1. Random Selection and choose topic for Semester Powerpoint

2. Work in the library on the Project---Find requirements in the all assignment link

1/7-10 Music of the 1960s

1. Finish the Counterculture and Answer the following:

Explain who was involved in the counterculture? Was all of mainstream America in the Counterculture?
What were the reasons for people dropping out of the mainstream society? What were aspects of the lifestyle?
What was a negative aspect of the counterculture? What was a positive aspect of the counterculture?

2. Intro to Music of the 1960s---SmartBoard Presentation of 2 main influences on the music.

1/5-6 CounterCulture

1. Beats---Lead to Counterculture.
2. Making Sense of 60s #3.---counterculture with notes handout.

1/3-4 Warren Court Cases--Intro Beats

1. Supreme Court Cases Wkst.

2. Intro to the Beats.

12/16-17 LBJ

LBJ Video

Intro to Great Society Legislation and Warren Court Cases.

Have a great Break. Extra Credit Available---See all Assignment Link

12/14-15 Wrap Up Vietnam

1. Vietnam Wkst.
2. Vietnam Quiz.

3. Intro Great Society

12/10-13 Vietnam

Research on Vietnam Due.

Conflict in Indochina--Video.