Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/29 Kennedy and Civil Rights

Kennedy and Civil Rights Questions

Civil Rights Movement 1960-63

1. p.19-22 What were sit-ins?
2. p. 19-22 Where did they first occur?
3. p. 27-30 What were the Freedom Riders?
4. p. 31-33What did the Black community want JFK to do? How did they prod him?
5. p. 35-39 When was the Birmingham protest? What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do in Birmingham?
6. p. 35-39 What did Birmingham force JFK to do?
7. p. 35-39 How important was the television media to the movement?
8. p.35-39 When was the March on Washington? What was the purpose of the March?
9. p.35-39 What did John Lewis’ speech promise? How did this show growing militancy? What was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech about? How did this spark hope and idealism for the decade?
10. p.35-39 Why was music important to the movement? Give examples to show this?

10/28 Civil Rights Intro Lecture + Map

Finish Civil War Map

Finish Civil Rights Intro lecture---Up to 1960.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

10/24-25 Civil Rights Research Project

After moving to the library and finding this page (the Blog); click on the Civil Rights Research Project Link. Open the link and use the websites to answer the questions. Cut and Paste is okay, but be a discerning historian and make sure to answer the question thoroughly.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class on Oct. 28 (Monday).

10/23 Civil Rights for All Lecture

Historical background of race relations in America--up to the Civil War

10/22 Space Race Exam

10/21 Space Race Review

Finish Apollo 13

Gene Kranz's Job. Why was this a significant job, and how did it portray the top example of what NASA stood for? Also, how did it show the thousands of others who were vitally important in our Race for Space?

Evaluate the Race for Space. It cost a lot of $ for the U.S. Government. Was this $ well spent? Why?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10/16-18 Apollo 13

Using the Ron Howard Movie--Apollo 13, the students will do the following:

Identify and write about the significance of Mission Control and the importance of Gene Kranz to Apollo 13.

Review for the Space Race Exam

10/15 Payoff--Mission Accomplished ---Apollo 11

10/10 Apollo 8--Importance to 1968

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10/8-9 Space Race Research

Find the Space Race Internet Activity in the All Assignments Link.

Click on the link and begin working. Same rules and regulations in place. We will be in the library for the next two days for you to work on this ---due in class with a hard copy or electronically submitted by 10/10.

10/7 NASA Article

NASA Article--In Class.

Questions due in class---

What are three products mythically linked to NASA?

What are products with a direct link?

Write a structured paragraph about the influence of these products on the modern world.

Intro to Apollo 1

10/3-4 Intro to Space Race

Intro to Space Race.

Mercury and Gemini Programs. Astronauts Worksheet for Notes

Race to the Moon Video


10/1 JFK Legacies and Review