Thursday, January 29, 2015

1-29 Potsdam Conference

Today's class-

-Read about the Potsdam Conference (hand-out), highlighted five important parts, and explained why each part was important. Turned in at the end of the period.

Potsdam Conference:
Two Main Points:
1.      War with Japan
US, Great Britain, and Soviet Union wanted unconditional surrender from Japan. Japan did not surrender, which led atomic bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Using the atomic weapon was a reason that America was considered a world power after WWII.
2.      Discussing Germany and Berlin.
US, Great Britain, and Soviet Union all agreed to form temporary governments that would be very democratic and have free elections, but this would soon not be the case.
West Germany (French, British, American control) and East (Soviet Union).
West Berlin (French, British, American control) and East Berlin (Soviet Union) ---- both on the East side.
E. Germany had more agricultural/crops.
W. Germany had more factories.
Both had to work together, so that both sides could get what they needed.
The Truman administration was mad because they believed that Stalin was not living up to his side of the agreements (set-up free, democratic elections).
The Truman administration believed that the Soviets were setting up puppet states (the iron curtain) that separated/divided Europe into two separate areas of political thought. The Soviets said that they were ignoring the idea of Western-style democracy because it was not creating a pro-Soviet government.
Economic Systems: (Leads to differing views between United States and Soviet Union)
Capitalism is an economic system. Economic systems have to do with producing things. Land, factories, and businesses that produce goods are privately owned, motivated by profit and competing.
Socialism is when land, factories, or places offering services (such as schools, and doctor’s offices) are owned by the people as a whole, but usually ran by the government.
Communism: Takes socialism to the next level and is believed to really only come through violent revolution to overcome struggle between social classes (wealthy and poor). Americans feared communism because to them it meant the rise of a dictator, one ruler, who saw everyone as drones to be used for their good.
Truman agreed with his officials that containment would be the best option. Contain communism! Do not let it spread anymore.
Truman Doctrine (1947)-Economic and financial aid to offer stability to countries under attack by communists.
            -Responsibility as a world power!

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