Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-4 Finished graphic organizer/foldable and took notes on LBJ's Great Society

Notes on LBJ's Great Society:

Do Cornell Notes: Questions on side and summary at end.
Fill in blank answers:

Senator Barry Goldwater, integration, nuclear weapons, landslide, Democrats, strong mandate, The Great Society, America, 206, Great Society, Voting Rights Act of 1965, literacy tests, Western Europe, Immigration Act of 1965, quotas, key, Great Society, students, schools, Need, Higher Education Act (1965), Medicare and Medicaid, Medicare, Medicaid, Open-housing, De Jure Segregation: By law, De Facto Segregation: By social norm or preference,  pollution, Clean up water and clean up the air, Seatbelts, Nutritional information, 70%, Some Americans did not like the increase of government control

Essential Question: Describe LBJ’s strong presence in domestic policies.

-Republicans nominated _________________________.

-Goldwater opposed LBJ’s social legislation and ________________.

-Goldwater supported the use of _______________________!

LBJ Wins!:
-LBJ wins the election by a _____________________!

-The ___________________ also had a majority in Congress.

-LBJ had a _______________________ and was able to get his legislation passed.

LBJ- Building “_____________________”

-His vision for __________________ was “The Great Society.”

-______________of LBJ’s ______________________ legislative pieces would be passed.


-No ___________________ for voting. All would be registered the same!

Immigration Reform:
-National Origins Act of 1924:  Discriminated against and limited immigration from all nations except for ___________________.

-LBJ signed the ______________________________.

-Abolished old ______________ and opened the door to all     cultures.

LBJ considered it “the ______ which can unlock the door to the ________________.”

Elementary and Secondary Education Act: School supplies for __________ and not ____________! ___________ determined how many supplies and textbooks were given.
_______________________: Helping people pay for college!

-During LBJ’s presidency, ____________________________were established.

-________________: Hospital insurance and low-cost medical care to the elderly.
-_________________: Health benefits for the poor.

-Congress gave money to build 240,000 low-rent public housing.
-____________________: No discrimination/segregation.



-Created the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
-HUD is a part of the president’s cabinet.

Keep America Beautiful!
-User fees at national parks/forests.
-Designated land as wilderness land. No roads or commercial development.
-Limited _______________ by passing laws. _____________________________________________!

Keep Americans Safe!
-_____________________ in cars!

-_______________________ on food.

Americans Love LBJ!
-He had an approval rating of about ___________________

-__________________________________________________, but others liked the help they received.


TEST DAY IS TOMORROW!! You can use one side of a notecard!
Bring your foldable!

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