Friday, February 27, 2015

2/27- Early Days of LBJ

Went over tests!

Filled in these notes.

Lyndon B. Johnson
From Farm to Congress
Johnson became __________________ after a remarkable climb to power in___________. It started on a farm near ____________________, where he was born on August 27, 1908. His ______________ was involved in _______________ until his various ­­­­­­­­­­_____________, insurance brokering, and ranching ventures began to drag him into ______________. Throughout his life, Lyndon Johnson never forgot the impact his father's _________________ had on his family.
Graduating from high school in 1924, Johnson escaped both his ____________________ by heading toward _________________. When nothing but hard labor turned up, Johnson returned home and went to college to become a ______________. When Johnson ran out of money from working as a ________________________________, he was forced to leave _____________ and spent a year working at a __________________________ near the __________________. Years later he said, "You never forget what _______________________ can do when you see its scars in the face of a young child."

When a candidate for governor failed to appear at a rally in 1930, Johnson delivered an impromptu __________________ for him. (Johnson had been a part of the _________________ and had even taught _______________.)This speech so impressed a candidate for the state Senate that he recruited Johnson to manage his own successful campaign. Later, while Johnson was teaching high school in Houston, Johnson was recommended to other politicians. After realizing Johnson’s potential, Johnson was invited to work in _________________with a congressman more interested in ______________ than in legislating. This gave Johnson the ________________ to take charge and make himself known. Johnson learned how _____________ worked. In 1934, he courted and __________­­­­____ Claudia Alta "____________" Taylor. Before Johnson married Lady Bird, he had only known her for _______________. After marrying Lady Bird, Johnson sought wider career horizons and was soon appointed Texas state director of the ________________________________________, a New Deal agency designed to _____________________________. Unlike the Civilian Conservation Corps, it included ________________.Success in that job propelled him into ________________________ in 1937, campaigning under banners that proclaimed "____________________________."

Answers to blanks:

Stonewall, Texas
real estate
economic disgrace
family & Texas
janitor and office helper
Mexican-American school
poverty and hatred
debate team
Lady Bird
two months
National Youth Administration
help students afford school
being elected to Congress
Franklin D and Lyndon B

After filling in the blanks, highlight the three-four important parts of this section and summarize the material. Then make a prediction regarding how Lyndon's past experiences shaped his future political decisions.

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