Friday, February 6, 2015

2/6 -Conformity/Challenges to Conformity TEST/NTBK CHECK-MONDAY!

Took notes on conformity/challenges to conformity.

Women: Homemakers.
Encouraged to attend college for the sole purpose of marriage.
Dr. Benjamin Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby Care  (1946)  vs Betty Friedan’s  The Feminine Mystique (1963).
Society portrayed this idea, but actually more and more married women were in the work force.
“pink-collar work”
Men: Breadwinners. (Bringing home the paycheck)
Children: Obey. Seen, but not heard.

Challenges to conformity:
-Beats/Beatniks: Resisting conformity. Embracing sexual and drug freedom. Beats= YOLO.
-Banned books.  J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye.
-Rock 'n' roll

*It may be beneficial to copy someone else's notes.*

Embraced our inner beatnik by writing poetry.
Write your own poem!
Create your own title!
Within your poem, explain the past conformity in American society and identify the challenges to conformity.
For your poem, include the bolded sections.  (Repeat process 2 times.) Use specific examples from lecture.
I saw the best minds of my generation falling into a trap.
I used to be  like them.
In the past, I was restricted and restrained!
But now I am free.
No one can tell me what to do.

Make sure to explain.

What is the GI Bill?
What was the Baby Boom?
What were Levittowns?
Who were the beatniks/beats?
What was the Potsdam Conference? What was discussed?
Define the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan.
Define HUAC. What did HUAC do?
What was the decision of Brown vs. Board of Education?
What was the Cold War?
Why was life so happy in the 1950's?
Summarize the Korean War. Relating to the Cold War, why was it important to discuss the Korean War? What recently happened between North Korea and the United States?
What was the role of a 1950’s woman and man?
How were children viewed in the 1950’s?
Compare Dr. Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby Care (1946) and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique (1963). What message do they share with their readers?
   Explain the relationship between communism, McCarthyism, and conformity. Describe each term.
How did America’s involvement in World War II contribute to the Cold War?

The test will include fill in the blanks and short answer responses. You will have to pull from your memory the word that correctly fills the blank.

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